Hey! I'm Colin, a software engineer and empathetic leader.

I specialize in shaping engineering subcultures that actively redefine their tomorrow to deliver awesome solutions and have fun while doing it.

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Tech jobs are hard, mentoring can help.

  • Standout and raise your work profile.
  • Get steady raises netting thousands of dollars.
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Cool Reads! Surrounded by Idiots

Jun 3, 2024

In Surrounded by Idiots, Thomas Erikson presents the DISC personality theory. According to DISC theory there are four main personality types we all exhibit. This isn’t to pigeon hole anyone since it’s a spectrum with most people being 80% one personality type and 20% another. The DISC behaviours Erikson explains, are deeply ingrained in human psyche as he references observations dating back to ancient history. Erikson assigns each personality type a colour.
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How I use principles to develop engineering strategies.

May 9, 2024

Principles. We all have them, but how often do we spend thinking about them? Or even better, writing them down? As I found myself evolving as a tech leader, I realized I needed to make some adjustments to the way I approached my work. I had to shift away from technical details and more towards strategic thinking. I’m sure this is a common situation leaders find themselves in, but letting go of the “work” wasn’t completely obvious to me right away.
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Colin on the maintainable podcast

Apr 18, 2024

This post is a long time coming, but last year I had the pleasure of talking to the great Robby Russell of oh-my-zsh fame for his maintainable podcast. Robby is a great interviewer and quickly made me comfortable and forget we were recording. If you like what you hear and want to learn more; check out my new Mentoring Program. I can help you put the techniques I talk about into action so you can kick butt at work and have fun while doing it!
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